100+ Japanese Names That Mean Dark

Darkness has long been a subject of fascination and curiosity for many people. In Japanese culture, darkness is often associated with mystery, strength, and even fear. It is no surprise then that there are a number of beautiful names in the Japanese language that mean dark.
In this post, we will explore some popular Japanese names that mean dark. Whether you’re looking for a unique name for your baby or just curious about the meanings behind these names, read on to discover more.
Male Japanese Names That Mean Dark
Here are a few Japanese boy names that can be associated with the meaning of “dark” or related concepts. Keep in mind that the meanings of names can vary based on different interpretations and contexts:
Kuro (黒): Meaning “black” or “dark.”
Anraku (暗楽): “Dark pleasure.”
Kuraudo (クラウド): A variation of “cloud,” which can represent darkness when stormy.
Yami (闇): “Darkness.”
Ankoku (暗黒): “Darkness” or “gloom.”
Yoru (夜): “Night.”
Kurayami (暗闇): “Pitch darkness.”
Anshin (暗心): “Dark heart.”
Yumeishi (夢医師): “Dream physician.”
Kuron (九龍): “Nine dragons.”
Akumu (悪夢): “Nightmare.”
Kumo (雲): “Cloud,” which can be associated with darkness.
Kurai (暗い): “Dark” or “gloomy.”
Kuragari (暗がり): “In the darkness.”
Kuroneko (黒猫): “Black cat.”
Kuragami (暗がみ): “Darkness” or “gloom.”
Ankotsu (暗骨): “Dark bone.”
Yoruishi (夜医師): “Night physician.”
Yamiya (闇夜): “Dark night.”
Kagerou (陽炎): “Heat haze” or “mirage.”
Kuuki (空気): “Air,” which can be associated with the concept of emptiness or darkness.
Ankokuji (暗黒地): “Dark land.”
Yumekage (夢影): “Dream shadow.”
Yomigaeri (蘇り): “Resurrection” or “revival.”
Kurotora (黒虎): “Black tiger.”
Yozora (夜空): “Night sky.”
Yamiouji (闇王子): “Dark prince.”
Kurayami no Senshi (暗闇の戦士): “Warrior of darkness.”
Yoru no tantei (夜の探偵): “Night detective.”
Kuraun (クラウン): A variation of “crown,” which can signify authority and power.
Anmoku (暗黙): “Implicit” or “unspoken.”
Kageboushi (影法師): “Shadow puppet.”
Kuragasa (暗笠): “Dark hat” or “concealing hat.”
Ankokujiro (暗黒次郎): “Dark Jiro” (a common given name).
Yamiwashi (闇鷲): “Dark eagle.”
Kuragari no kenja (暗がりの賢者): “Sage of darkness.”
Yoru no tenshi (夜の天使): “Night angel.”
Ankokusha (暗黒者): “Dark person.”
Kurohane (黒羽): “Black feather.”
Anryuu (暗竜): “Dark dragon.”
Yumekumo (夢雲): “Dream cloud.”
Kuronezumi (黒鼠): “Black mouse” or “rat.”
Yami no Tabibito (闇の旅人): “Traveler of darkness.”
Kurayoru (暗夜): “Dark night.”
Anmichi (暗道): “Dark path.”
Yamiakuma (闇熊): “Dark bear.”
Kuragari no Kishi (暗がりの騎士): “Knight of darkness.”
Ankoku ryuu (暗黒龍): “Dark dragon.”
Kagekan (影冠): “Shadow crown.”
Kurayami no Oni (暗闇の鬼): “Demon of darkness.”
Female Japanese Girl Names That Mean Dark
Here are Japanese girl names that can be associated with the meaning of “dark” or related concepts. As with any name, meanings can vary based on different interpretations and contexts:
Kurai (暗い): “Dark” or “gloomy.”
Yami (闇): “Darkness.”
Ankoku (暗黒): “Darkness” or “gloom.”
Kuro (黒): Meaning “black” or “dark.”
Kurayami (暗闇): “Pitch darkness.”
Yoru (夜): “Night.”
Akumu (悪夢): “Nightmare.”
Kage (影): “Shadow.”
Kuroneko (黒猫): “Black cat.”
Yoruishi (夜医師): “Night physician.”
Kuragami (暗がみ): “Darkness” or “gloom.”
Ankotsu (暗骨): “Dark bone.”
Yamiya (闇夜): “Dark night.”
Kagerou (陽炎): “Heat haze” or “mirage.”
Ankokuji (暗黒地): “Dark land.”
Yumekage (夢影): “Dream shadow.”
Yamioujo (闇王女): “Dark princess.”
Kurayami no Miko (暗闇の巫女): “Priestess of darkness.”
Kageboushi (影法師): “Shadow puppet.”
Kuragasa (暗笠): “Dark hat” or “concealing hat.”
Ankokujo (暗黒女王): “Dark queen.”
Kurohane (黒羽): “Black feather.”
Ankoku tenshi (暗黒天使): “Dark angel.”
Kuronezumi (黒鼠): “Black mouse” or “rat.”
Yamiakuma (闇熊): “Dark bear.”
Kageboshi (影星): “Shadow star.”
Kurayami no hime (暗闇の姫): “Princess of darkness.”
Ankoku koi (暗黒恋): “Dark love.”
Kuragari no tenshi (暗がりの天使): “Angel of darkness.”
Yami no seirei (闇の精霊): “Spirit of darkness.”
Ankoku yoru (暗黒夜): “Dark night.”
Kurayami no bara (暗闇の薔薇): “Rose of darkness.”
Kurotenshi (黒天使): “Black angel.”
Yami no Tsubasa (闇の翼): “Wings of darkness.”
Ankoku tsuki (暗黒月): “Dark moon.”
Kagehime (影姫): “Shadow princess.”
Kuragari no koi (暗がりの恋): “Love in the dark.”
Yami no megami (闇の女神): “Goddess of darkness.”
Ankoku yume (暗黒夢): “Dark dream.”
Kurayami no oujo (暗闇の王女): “Dark princess.”
Kurokaze (黒風): “Black wind.”
Yami no inori (闇の祈り): “Prayer of darkness.”
Ankoku no sora (暗黒の空): “Dark sky.”
Kagekawa (影皮): “Shadow skin.”
Kuragari no tenshi (暗がりの天使): “Angel of the dark.”
Yami no saku (闇の咲く): “Blooming in darkness.”
Ankoku no mizu (暗黒の水): “Dark water.”
Kurotama (黒玉): “Black Jewel.”
Yami no Toki (闇の時): “Time of darkness.”
Kagehoshi (影星): “Shadow star.”
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Final Thought
Japanese names that mean dark offer a glimpse into the rich cultural and linguistic heritage of Japan. These names not only reflect the beauty of the Japanese language but also provide a unique way to express one’s individuality and personality. Whether you are drawn to the mysterious allure of names like Yami or the strength and resilience associated with names like Kurai, Japanese names that mean dark offer a range of options for those seeking a name that is both meaningful and evocative.
So, if you are looking for a name that embodies the enigmatic and captivating qualities of darkness, exploring the world of Japanese names can be a fascinating journey. What name will you choose to embrace the darkness within?