130+ Popular Names That Start With Ath

Ath is a beautiful and unique starting letter for names. Whether you’re expecting a baby or looking for a new name for yourself, choosing a name that starts with Ath is sure to set you apart.
In this blog post, we will explore the meaning behind some popular names that begin with Ath and why they might be the perfect choice for your little one.
Naming a child is a task that holds enormous significance. It’s no wonder parents spend hours poring over baby name books, searching for the perfect name that will reflect their hopes and dreams for their little one. If you’re on the hunt for unique names that start with Ath, look no further! This particular letter combination brings an air of strength, athleticism, and history to any name it graces.
Popular Names That Start With Ath
Discover the most popular names that start with Ath. From traditional to unique, find the perfect name for your little one on our webpage!
Athena— Greek woman Athena means “Goddess of Wisdom”.
Athan— Athan is a Greek masculine name meaning “eternal life”.
Atherton— English male name Atherton means “town on the edge of the field”.
Athanasia— The Greek female name Athanasia means “immortality”.
Athalie— Hebrew woman Athalie means “God is exalted”.
Atharva— Sanskrit male name Atharva means “knowledgeable”.
Atheer— Arabic male name Atheer means “blessed”.
Atha— Atha, an Old English female name, means “good”.
Athaliah— Jewish woman Athaliah means “God is exalted”.
Athene— Greek female name Athene means “Goddess of Wisdom”.
Athalia— Hebrew for “God is exalted.” With its lovely sound and uplifting connotation.
Boy Names That Start With Ath
Looking for boy names that start with Ath? Explore our curated list of trendy and timeless options to find the perfect fit for your son.
Athanasios— The Greek name Athanasios means “eternal life”.
Athanasius— The Greek name Athanasius means “immortal”.
Athaniel— The Hebrew name Athaniel means “God has given”.
Atharv— The Indian name Atharv means “wise”.
Atharva— The Indian name Atharva means “holy knowledge”.
Atharvreddy— The Indian name Atharvreddy means “holy and powerful”.
Athel— The Anglo-Saxon name Athel means “noble”.
Athelstan— The Anglo-Saxon name Athelstan means “noble stone”.
Athen— Athen means “city of Athena” in Greek.
Athens— The Greek capital is Athens.
Ather— The Arabic name Ather means “kindness”.
Atherton— The English name Atherton means “town on the river Ather”.
Athiran— Indian name Athiran means “divine”.
Athiyan— The Indian name Athiyan means “dawn”.
Athol— The Irish name Athol means “new Ireland”.
Athon— The Greek name Athon means “immortal”.
Athony— The English name Athony means “invaluable”.
Athos— Athos means “mountain” in Greek.
Athreya— The Indian name Athreya means “divinely blessed”.
Athene— Athene means “wise” in Greek.
Athar— Athar means “angel” in Arabic.
Athelward— Anglo-Saxon “noble protector” Athelward.
Athelwine— Anglo-Saxon “noble friend” Athelwine.
Athemar— The Anglo-Saxon name Athemar means “noble warrior”.
Athiel— The Irish name Athiel means “man of God”.
Athindra— Athindra means “lord of the atmosphere” in India.
Athild— The Scandinavian name Athild means “noble battle”.
Athmar— The Arabic name Athmar means “gift of God”.
Atholstan— The Anglo-Saxon term Atholstan means “noble stone”.
Athosius— The Irish name Athosius means “lord of the house”.
Athulf— The Anglo-Saxon name Athulf means “noble wolf”.
Athyr— The Irish name Athyr means “noble king”.
Athelbald— The Anglo-Saxon name Athelbald means “noble bold”.
Athelm— The Anglo-Saxon name Athelm means “noble hero”.
Athelmund— The Anglo-Saxon name Athelmund means “noble protector”.
Atherley— The English word Atherley means “noble meadow”.
Athin— The Irish name Athin means “noble one”.
Athy— The Irish name Athy means “noble”.
Athay— The Indian name Athay means “lord of gods”.
Athem— The Irish name Athem means “noble strength”.
Athertonson— Athertonson means “noble son of the second son” in English.
Athgar— The Anglo-Saxon name Athgar means “noble spear”.
Athgen— The Irish name Athgen means “noble birth”.
Athgarvan— The Irish name Athgarvan means “noble small rough one”.
Athgharvan— Athgharvan means “noble rough one” in Irish.
Athmara— The Irish name Athmara means “noble famous one”.
Athnamulloch— The Irish name Athnamulloch means “noble chief”.
Atholton— The English name Atholton means “noble estate”.
Athurn— The Irish name Athurn means “noble ruler”.
Athvey— The Irish name Athvey means “noble brave one”.
Athwalayat— The Indian name Athwalayat means “noble protector”.
Athwin— The Anglo-Saxon name Athwin means “noble friend”.
Girl Names that Start with Ath
Want an uncommon girl name that starts with Ath? Discover our diverse range of stylish and meaningful options to inspire you.
Athala— The Arabic name Athala means “noble and generous”.
Athalee— The English name Athalee means “noble and blessed”.
Athaleen— The Anglo-Saxon name Athaleen means “noble and pure”.
Athalene— The Greek name Athalene means “noble one”.
Athaleyah— The Hebrew name Athaleyah means “God is with us”.
Athalie— In Hebrew, Athalie means “God is the highest”.
Athanasia— Athanasia means “immortal” in Greek.
Athea— Ancient Greek name Athea means “immortal goddess”.
Atheena— The Greek name Atheena means “divinely wise”.
Atheer— The Arabic name Atheer means “fragrance”.
Athelene— The Greek name Athelene means “noble mind”.
Athelia— Greek name Athelia means “gift of the gods”.
Atheline— The French name Atheline means “noble one”.
Athenamarie— The French name Athenamarie means “Goddess of Wisdom”.
Athenarose— The French name Athenarose means “Goddess of Roses”.
Athenea— The Greek name Athenea means “divine wisdom”.
Athenia— The Greek word Athenia means “of Athens”.
Athenna— Athenna means “goddess of wisdom” in Greek.
Atherine— The Greek name Atherine means “divine inspiration”.
Athie— The Greek name Athie means “woman of honour”.
Athieng— African name Athieng means “born during the rainy season”.
Athina— Athina means “immortal” in Greek.
Athira— The Arabic name Athira means “princess”.
Athlee— The American name Athlee means “noble woman”.
Athleen— The Irish name Athleen means “little one”.
Athlene— The Greek name Athlene means “flower of the sea”.
Athlyn— The Irish name Athlyn means “noble warrior”.
Athyna— The Greek name Athyna means “Goddess of Wisdom”.
Athlyn— The Welsh name Athlyn means “dove”.
Athryn— The Irish name Athryn means “noble strength”.
Athulya— The Indian name Athulya means “divine strength”.
Athylene— Athylene means “lady of the sea” in Greek.
Athyna— The Irish name Athyna means “lady of the lake”.
Athziri— The Spanish name Athziri means “star of the dawn”.
Athziry— The Spanish name Athziry means “star of the sky”.
Athiya— The Arabic name Athiya means “gift of God”.
Athirah— Athirah means “angelic” in Arabic.
Athmika— The Indian name Athmika means “divine power”.
Athandra— The Sanskrit name Athandra means “immortal”.
Athanasiana— The Greek name Athanasiana means “eternal life”.
Athazagoraphobia— Athazagoraphobia means “fear of being forgotten or ignored” in English.
Atheda— The Irish name Atheda means “flower of the sea”.
Athelda— The Old English name Athelda means “noble leader”.
Athelind— Anglo-Saxon Athelind means “noble serpent”.
Athelthryth— The Old English name Athelthryth means “noble strength”.
Athiyaah— The Arabic name Athiyaah means “gift of God’s grace”.
Atholeen— The Irish name Atholeen means “noble and kind”.
Atholly— The Irish name Atholly means “noble protector”.
Athorina— The Irish name Athorina means “noble and honourable”.
Athyra— Athyra means “divinely inspired” in Arabic.
Athela— The Old English name Athela means “noble and virtuous”.
Athene— The Greek name Athene means “goddess of wisdom”.
Atheva— The Indian name Atheva means “divine power”.
Athiane— The Irish name Athiane means “noble and kind”.
Athelberga— The Old English name Athelberga means “noble protection”.
Atheldreda— The Old English word Atheldreda means “noble strength”.
Athelfleda— The Old English name Athelfleda means “noble beauty”.
Athelisia— The Irish name Athelisia means “noble thought”.
Athelney— The Old English word Athelney means “island of nobles”.
Athelyna— The Irish name Athelyna means “noble victory”.
Athemise— Athemise means “divine justice” in Greek.
Atheris— Atheris means “divine serpent” in Greek.
Athette— The Old English name Athette means “noble and strong”.
Athilee— The Old English name Athilee means “noble maiden”.
Athirat— The Hebrew name Athirat means “goddess of love”.
Athiratha— Indian name Athiratha means “divine”.
How to Get Good Names That Start With “Ath”?
Choosing the appropriate name for your child is exciting and difficult. A meaningful and attractive name is what you want. Find names starting with “Ath,” here. This blog post will discuss strategies to locate good names that start with “Ath” and offer some unique and meaningful possibilities for your child.
1. Visit Different Cultures
Exploring diverse cultures is a great method to find unusual names. Many countries have rich name histories, and you can unearth hidden treasures that start with “Ath.” “Athena”— the goddess of knowledge and courage in Greek mythology is a powerful and profound girl’s name. Athanasia, signifying immortality, and Athenea, a variant of Athena, are other “Ath” names.
2. Find Historical Figures
Consider famous people with “Ath.” names if you like historical characters. “Athenagoras” was an early Christian apologist who defended the faith. This name conveys spirituality and wisdom. For royal heritage and leadership, “Athelstan”— the first King of England— is a good pick.
3. Explore Nature
Nature can inspire lovely and distinctive names. “Ath” terms are related to nature, such as “Atheris,” a genus of venomous snakes, or “Athos,” a Greek peak famed for its beauty and spiritual significance. These names sound unique and evoke adventure and nature.
4. Consider Modern Variations
A modern touch on a traditional name can make it feel fresh and current. Try different “Ath” names to discover one you like. The lovely name “Athalia” is a unique alternative to Amelia or Adeline. It sounds similar yet is unique.
5. Find Inspiration in Literature
Literature is full of meaningful names. Find writers and characters beginning with “Ath.” Greek philosopher “Athenodorus” taught Nero. This name is wise and smart. Other alternatives are “Atherton,” a fantasy literary surname, or “Athman,” an Indian figure.
1. Why should I choose a name that starts with Ath?
Choosing a name that starts with Ath can give your child an elegant and distinctive identity.
2. Can I find both boy and girl names on this website?
Yes, our website features a wide range of names starting with Ath for both boys and girls.
3. Are these names suitable for different cultures and backgrounds?
Absolutely! Our collection includes names from various cultures and backgrounds to suit everyone’s preferences.
4. What are some popular unisex names starting with Ath?
Some popular unisex names starting with Ath include Athena, Atherton, and Athalia.
5. What are some unique girl names that start with Ath?
Athena, Athalia, Athira.
6. Are there any unique boy names that start with Ath?
Ather, Atherton , Athelstan.
7. Are there any rare or uncommon surnames that begin with Ath?
Yes, some examples include Atherfold, Athersmith, and Athensby.
8. Can you suggest a middle name that pairs well with a first name starting with Ath?
- For girls: Rose, Grace, or Mae.
- For boys: James, Thomas, or Michael.
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Final Thought
Names That Start With Ath offers a wide array of choices for parents seeking a name that is both unique and meaningful. From the strength and wisdom of Athena to the regal qualities of Athelstan, these names are sure to make a lasting impression. Whether you’re drawn to the historical significance, the melodic sound, or the powerful symbolism, Names That Start With Ath is truly a captivating choice for any child.