120 Knight Names With Meaning

Knight names held immense power and meaning in this enchanting realm. A champion of justice the name of a knight was to be a protector of the weak.

Step into the world of medieval legends and chivalrous tales. Here armored warriors roamed the land in search of honor and glory.

How To Choose The Best Knight Names?

Choosing the perfect knight’s name sets the stage for your knight’s personality and backstory. Be sure to pick a name that reflects your knight’s strengths, values, or aspirations. Avoid names that are overly complicated or difficult to pronounce.

Female Knight Names

Diving deep into the annals of chivalry and legend. Discover names that illuminate the valor of heroic ladies, each echoing with tales of bravery and grace.

  • Aeliana: Noble guardian.
  • Brielle: Exalted shield maiden.
  • Caelia: Strong and mighty in battle.
  • Darielle: Protector of the realm.
  • Elysande: Liberator of the oppressed.
  • Faelina: Graceful warrior.
  • Gwyneth: Blessed with white honor.
  • Haelora: Light-bringer in darkness.
  • Isolde: Fair maiden of battles.
  • Jenara: Shining defender.
  • Kaelene: Keeper of the flame.
  • Liora: My light in combat.
  • Maeva: Welcome in the war.
  • Naelia: Champion of the people.
  • Oriana: Golden valor.
  • Prya: Fierce in love and war.
  • Quinelle: Five-fold strength.
  • Reyna: Queenly knight.
  • Saelora: Heavenly warrior.
  • Talitha: Young maiden warrior.
  • Uriela: Light of valor.
  • Vaelora: Strong as iron.
  • Wyndra: Warrior of the winds.
  • Xaela: Brilliant fighter.
  • Ysoria: Fame in battle.
  • Zelene: Moonlit knight.
  • Adelina: Noble defender.
  • Briseis: Strong-willed knight.
  • Calista: Most beautiful warrior.
  • Dyana: Divine protector.

Male Knight Names

Embark on a journey through time, where the clatter of armor. The call of battle birthed names of the most gallant knights that ever rode under the bannered skies.

  • Alden: Wise protector.
  • Bryce: Speckled knight.
  • Cadoc: Battle-ready.
  • Draven: Avenger.
  • Emeric: Power of work.
  • Faelan: Wolf warrior.
  • Gareth: Gentle knight.
  • Haldor: Thor’s rock.
  • Ivor: Bow warrior.
  • Jareth: God’s strength.
  • Kael: Mighty warrior.
  • Lorcan: Fierce.
  • Merek: Power of the sea.
  • Nolan: Champion.
  • Ozric: Spear of God.
  • Pryce: Son of Rhys.
  • Quillon: Strong.
  • Ragnar: Warrior’s advice.
  • Stellan: Calm as still waters.
  • Torin: Chief.
  • Ulric: Heritage ruler.
  • Varik: Honorable defender.
  • Weylyn: Son of the wolf.
  • Xander: Defender of mankind.
  • Yorick: Farmer knight.
  • Zephyr: West wind.
  • Alaric: Noble leader.
  • Brom: Raven.
  • Cyrus: Sun.
  • Dax: Leader.

Cool Names For Knights

Venture forth into the realm of mystique and awe, where names shimmer with majesty. Each one befitting a warrior destined for legendary deeds.

  • Blaze: Fiery warrior.
  • Storm: Fierce and unpredictable.
  • Raven: Dark and mysterious.
  • Tempest: Furious and relentless.
  • Ghost: Silent and deadly.
  • Sable: Black knight, defender.
  • Frost: Cool and unyielding.
  • Wolf: Lone and powerful.
  • Shadow: Stealthy and unseen.
  • Steel: Resilient and enduring.
  • Phoenix: Rebirth and immortality.
  • Slate: Unbreakable and tough.
  • Talon: Sharp and deadly.
  • Bane: Ruin to enemies.
  • Rune: Mystic and wise.
  • Gale: Blustery and forceful.
  • Crimson: Blooded in battle.
  • Myst: Elusive and enigmatic.
  • Viper: Quick and venomous.
  • Titan: Giant in strength.
  • Eclipse: Darkening foes.
  • Thunder: Loud and impactful.
  • Serpent: Cunning and swift.
  • Omen: Foretelling victory.
  • Reaver: Powerful plunderer.
  • Hawk: Vigilant and swift.
  • Maelstrom: Destructive force.
  • Abyss: Deep and vast.
  • Onyx: Dark and resilient.
  • Lynx: Stealthy and sharp-eyed.

Funny Names For Knights

Names for funny knights are for those with a jest in their step and a twinkle in their helm. Explore the lighter side of knighthood with names that’ll give you a jolly good chuckle on and off the battlefield.

  • Sir Laughalot: Ever jovial in combat.
  • Dame Dropshield: A bit clumsy, but fierce.
  • Sir Chuckles: Finds humor in everything.
  • Lance-a-Little: Not too forceful with his weapon.
  • Dame Noodle-Arm: Deceptively strong.
  • Sir Pancake: Flattens his enemies.
  • Baron Bumble: Not always graceful.
  • Sir Can’t-a-Lot: Perhaps not the most skilled.
  • Dame Ticklesword: Fights with feathers sometimes?
  • Sir Lounge: More into resting than jousting.
  • Lady Giggleshield: Always light-hearted.
  • Sir Naps-a-Lot: Loves his afternoon slumbers.
  • Baroness Blunder: Oops, was that your foot?
  • Sir-Prize: Always unexpected.
  • Lady Loopy-Lance: A tad unconventional.
  • Sir Jester: The court’s funny knight.
  • Sir Loin: Probably better on a grill.
  • Dame Doodle: Often found sketching.
  • Baron Buffoon: The clown of the round table.
  • Lady Silly-Saber: Takes light swings.
  • Sir Grin: Can’t keep a straight face.
  • Sir Chuck-a-Lance: Often loses his weapon.
  • Lady Chuckleblade: Laughter is her shield.
  • Sir Guffaw: Loud in laughter and battle.
  • Dame Teehee: Snickers at her foes.
  • Baron Gag: Always has a joke.
  • Sir Slumber: Prefers dreams to duels.
  • Lady Snicker: Foe to all seriousness.
  • Sir Goof-a-Lot: King of comedy and clumsiness.
  • Lady Lightheart: Carries joy as her weapon.


Q. What is the significance of knight names?

Knight names often signify honor, bravery, and chivalry. They were not just monikers, but a reflection of one’s deeds, reputation, and lineage, instilling pride and respect among peers.

Q. How do knight names shape a character’s persona or story?

Knight names can be a crucial element in shaping a character’s persona or story. These names often carry symbolic meaning and historical significance, providing insights into the character’s background, personality traits, or destiny.

Q. Why are knight names important in medieval history and literature?

Knight names hold significant importance in medieval history and literature as they often symbolize the social standing, heritage, and valor of individuals. They are vital in understanding the socio-political landscape of the medieval period.

Q. Is it traditional for a knight’s name to reflect their homeland or family lineage?

Yes, it was a common tradition for a knight‘s name to reflect their homeland or family lineage. This tradition helped identify their roots and allegiance, further strengthening their social standing and influence.

Q. Are there any conventions or rules to naming knights?

Naming conventions for knights typically focused on family lineage, place of origin, or notable achievements. However, rules could fluctuate based on regional customs and the individual’s personal or family history.

Q. Why do some knight names include titles like ‘Sir’ or ‘Lady’?

These titles were used as a mark of respect and honor. ‘Sir’ was a title given to a knight as a recognition of his service to the Crown or Church, while ‘Lady’ was used for female members of the knight’s family or for women who held a similar status in their own right.

Q. Are there any controversial or debated knight names in historical records?

Yes, certain knight names in historical records have sparked controversy or debate. This usually arises from discrepancies in historical documentation, leading to differing interpretations of a knight’s name, lineage, or actions.

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Final Words

Choosing a name for your knight is an exciting and important task that can add depth and personality to your character. Taking into account the characteristics and traits you want your knight to embody can help guide your decision-making process. With so many options available, there are endless opportunities to create a captivating and memorable name for your knight.

Ava Lewis

Ava Lewis is a seasoned name consultant and the founder of NamesRhino.com. She specializes in creating distinctive usernames, business names, and nicknames, and has over a decade of experience in the naming industry. Ava combines linguistic expertise with creative flair to help you discover the perfect name for any occasion. She has been featured in numerous industry publications. She enjoys investigating etymology and sipping Earl Grey tea when she is not naming things.

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