60+ Japanese Names Meaning Love

Japanese names meaning love are not only chosen for their beautiful sound but also for the profound meanings they carry. They serve as a reminder of the importance of love in Japanese culture and the impact it has on individuals and their relationships.

Whether you are looking for a name for your child or simply fascinated by the richness of Japanese culture, these names offer a glimpse into the language and values of Japan.

Remember, a name is more than just a label; it is a reflection of identity and the values one holds dear. Japanese names meaning love encapsulate the deep emotions and connections that love fosters, reminding us of the universal language of love that transcends borders and cultures.

Popular Japanese Names Meaning Love

Choosing a name is a deeply personal and significant decision. These Japanese names meaning love offer a range of options that embody the essence of love in different ways.

Ren— Ren translates to “love” or “affection.” It signifies the passionate and romantic side of love.

Aiki— Love, Unity, and Harmony.

Aika— Love Song.

Raina— Lovely Joy.

Raiga— Thunder and lightning of love.

Kairi— Sea and Village of Love.

Miai— Meeting with Love.

Mirai— Future of Love.

Ai— Love; Affection; Indulgence; Fondness.

Sai— Blessings; Good Fortune.


Yuai— Bond of Love.

Minai— Admiration of Love.

Aiko— Little Love; Loving Child.

Shiai— Meeting of Love.

Maika— Dance of Love.

Kaito— Sea of Love.

Mai— Dance; Love Song.

Aira— Lovely Jasmine.

Aisa— Love Blossom.

Daika— Great Love.

Saika— Blooming Love.

Airi— Love Jasmine.

Kaisei— Respectful Love.

Aito— Beloved Person.

Aizen— Love and Affection.

Aiyuki— Bright Love.

Aiji— Blue Love.

Kaiki— Return of Love.

Aimi— Beautiful Love.

Aiya— Colorful Love.

Japanese Girls Names Meaning Love

Looking for Japanese Girls Names Meaning Love, here are some ideas.

Yua— Yua is a Japanese name meaning “love and affection”. It is also a shortened version of the name Yuuna, which is derived from the Japanese words for “love” and “peace”.

Mana— Mana is a Japanese name that means “love” and “truth”. It is also a shortened version of the name Manami, which is derived from the Japanese words for “accord” and “beautiful”.

Ema— Ema is a Japanese name that means “love and beauty”. It is also a shortened version of the name Emiko, which is derived from the Japanese words for “blessing” and “beautiful child”.

Mei— Mei is a Japanese name that means “love and intelligence”. It is also a shortened version of the name Meiko, which is derived from the Japanese words for “plum” and “child”.

Aoi— Aoi is a Japanese name that means “love and blue”. It is also a shortened version of the name Aoiha, which is derived from the Japanese words for “blue” and “leaf”.

Emiri— Emiri is a Japanese name that means “love and beauty”. It is also a shortened version of the name Emiko, which is derived from the Japanese words for “beauty” and “grace”.


Ayumi— Ayumi is a Japanese name that means “walking with love”. It is also a shortened version of the name Ayumu, which is derived from the Japanese words for “walk” and “beauty”.

Manami— Manami is a Japanese name that means “love and ocean”. It is also a shortened version of the name Manako, which is derived from the Japanese words for “ocean” and “beauty”.

Akari— Akari is a Japanese name that means “light and love”. It is also a shortened version of the name Akane, which is derived from the Japanese words for “red” and “light”.

Kanae— Kanae is a Japanese name that means “love and beauty”. It is also a shortened version of the name Kana, which is derived from the Japanese words for “flower” and “beauty”.

Arisa— Arisa is a Japanese name that means “beautiful and wise”. It is also a shortened version of the name Arisu, which is derived from the Japanese words for “wise” and “beauty”.

Japanese Names That mean Love For Boys

Here are some Japanese Names meaning Love For Boys.

Manato— Manato means “gracious love” or “blessed love” in Japanese.

Yoshiki— Yoshiki means “good luck” or “happiness” in Japanese.

Naruto— Naruto means “maelstrom” or “whirlpool” in Japanese.

Yuito— Yuito means “generous love” or “kind love” in Japanese.

Manaya— means “true love” in Japanese.

Raito— means “light of the moon” in Japanese.

Aimu— means “love song” in Japanese.

Jinai— means “benevolence” or “humanity” in Japanese.

Meguki— means “blessed with happiness” in Japanese.

Yukichika— means “lucky blessing” in Japanese.

Yoshino— means “good field” in Japanese.

Manaki— means “loveable” or “dear” in Japanese.

Naruhiko— means “happy prince” in Japanese.

Manasuke— means “true blessing” in Japanese.

Naru— means “sound of the waves” in Japanese.

Itoshi— means “dear one” in Japanese.

Aeru— means “love” in Japanese.

Aichi— means “love and peace” in Japanese.

Kanato— means “blessed with love” in Japanese.


1. What do Japanese names meaning love symbolize?

Japanese names meaning love symbolize affection, passion, and romantic feelings.

2. Are there specific Japanese names that mean love?

Yes, some popular Japanese names with meanings related to love include Ai (愛), Yuu (優), and Haruka (遥か).

3. Can I use a Japanese name meaning love for my baby?

Absolutely! Japanese names with meanings related to love can be a beautiful choice for your child, regardless of their ethnicity.

4. How are Japanese names written and pronounced?

Japanese names are typically written in kanji characters, but can also be written in hiragana or katakana. The pronunciation depends on the combination of these characters.

5. Are there any cultural considerations when choosing a Japanese name meaning love?

It’s important to have cultural sensitivity when choosing a name from another culture. Researching the significance and appropriateness of the chosen name is advisable.

6. Can I combine a Japanese name meaning love with other meaningful words or concepts?

Absolutely! Combining a Japanese name meaning love with other words or concepts can create unique and personalized names that hold even deeper significance.

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Final Thought

These are just a few examples of Japanese names that carry the beautiful meaning of love. Whether you’re looking for a name for your child, a character in a story, or simply seeking inspiration, these names evoke the essence of love in its various forms. May these names serve as a reminder of the power and beauty of love in our lives.

Ava Lewis

Ava Lewis is a seasoned name consultant and the founder of NamesRhino.com. She specializes in creating distinctive usernames, business names, and nicknames, and has over a decade of experience in the naming industry. Ava combines linguistic expertise with creative flair to help you discover the perfect name for any occasion. She has been featured in numerous industry publications. She enjoys investigating etymology and sipping Earl Grey tea when she is not naming things.

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